Friday, January 21, 2005

Unchartered Waters

Dear Bubbles,

(Yes, you can see I'm sticking to the classic note entry template)
(This is seeing as previous attempts to keep honest and interesting historical data often resulted in the shredding / burning / deleting / caustic editing of similar records.)
(Thus, I now attempt to start afresh and leave that .. vexatious.. past behind me... lu lu luu..)

Anyway, that previous foreword was just me checking whether blood was still flowing to my brain - my brain that has not done anything since late November 2004. *gasp* .. it's true..

Further, since I don't seem to plan to engage myself with any remotely challenging tasks... It's nice just to ... do... nothing... (eep)

(Muahahahaaha.. I am so bored..) (So bored indeed)

Oh it's Friday tomorrow. I guess I was planning to visit Law Fac to see if I'm really 100% enrolled in Intl Trade Law in Hamburg. But then I think to myself, why do I bother..? Then I remember, it's because I need to finalise accomodation if I am going. Then I think '...euro...eep..!'

BUT THEn I think, it takes so much effort to get out of the house!
**** (I've become a lazy beast) ****
It means I actually have to put pants/skirt on, change out of my nightshirt, try to style the mangly mess on my head, cleanse, scrub, moisturise, colour coordinate (I always forget that), and get butt out door.. maybe grab breakfast on the way..

But yes - things I may need to do:

1. Invite friends for drinking scrabble and BBQ and photo viewing
2. Make sand tortles on le beach
3. ..that thing about employment contract for Aunt..
4. Timetable semester
5. Get those Hep A&B shots

Oh.. Gabe just helped me finalise Movie/bbq/scrabble/photo night. it's friday 28th January - 6pm-ish - early arrivers get more to drink.. Okies~

Now I have to find out who remains in Sydney..


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