Thursday, January 27, 2005

Disarm: v. deprive of weapons; win the confidence or affection...
A dual definition that if applied, is oxymoronic. That is the current status that describes me at this moment. Though always slightly inaccurate, as all words tend to be.

I guess in other words, I'm tired and defeated and won over by this... blah blah.

Inundated with hours for work. Of which I was looking forward to just recently.

Tonikaku, criticism of what has happened recently:

1. Sean had his farewell. Mysterious amounts of rice, fish and beer disappeared into him. Sayonara. Mata aou ne.. (/desu ka..)
2. Caroline the delightful appeared much more relaxed (less grumpy) to aforementioned event (Yes. It must be the freedom from work and her delightful housemates.){lu lu lu workaholic!}
3. Jim was much happier (I guess the two aforementioned persons and his car have that effect on that asian boy). "No-oo Don't make Me drink!" cries Jim, "I'm just a little asian boy".
-six beers later-
"Awe mate you gotta drink with me lah!", gurgles Jim, "You gwei lo can't lose to an asian boy lah!"
4. Bronwyn was doubtful about the company - including myself, since i gave her some jam to carry around the whole night...
5. The others were equally dynamic and resistant to mysterious amounts if rice, fish, chicken, soy sauce and beer. They also tended to order more chicken than we could accomodate.

So one good day, one bad day and now one tired day.


At 13:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

less grumpy?!
i think we need a rematch. another farewell forecasted for 19/02/05. keep your mobile peeled for last minute information.

At 16:53, Blogger =Koncret3= said...

Go the beers~!
I'm proud of my ability 2 drink~!! i kept up all nite~~
but its just cos i'm much beta at acting sober when demolished~ :P

At 01:33, Blogger juice said...

** making mental note to self**
reference to the bad day involves - mixed feelings - confusion - a demand - Gabe agreeing to drive me to beach - Gabe forgetting that he agreed to drive me to beach - reading a sad Delinsky novel (well it made me sad anyway).
** end mental note**


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