Monday, October 23, 2006

fighting dots

foundation foundation foundation

okay so i'm not fighting the dots. (stupid pox...) i'm still red, dotty, blotchy, very much so - but hopefully things will slowly get better - even just a lil bit better. some things i know probably won't get better... but for the parts that can - slowly isn't good enough. looking like an acne-ridden teen (again?) is getting to me and I found the solution! *huzzah!* Diorskin Airflash. Foundation in aerosol. *super grin* I could go on about the product, but it's

*interrupted by call centre call*

- very good. It will sell itself. But yes - this is all adding to my aerosol things collection. (okay so two items is not really a collection is it..hydrating spray and foundation) but I'm starting to wonder if I'll feel a tad bit guilty when it comes to throwing away the packaging... you can't recycle aerosol cans can you?

and i know i shouldn't be surprised, but cadburys makes those lil chomp bars... i always thought they were some independent separate thing.. oh well.


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