Sunday, September 03, 2006


random babble about HR - just from the few interviews i've been to I've noticed that HR people tend to be tall and brunette. And I should mention that i'm always tramatised by interviews and we ought to leave that there.

some people are still surprised that most students work and study at the same time? what.. that's not new, it's the norm. recently i've been contemplating boarding a plane and going somewhere without telling anyone.

dilemma is the fact that hand luggage may be searched with rigour and hand luggage is all i'm intending to take. hrrm..


At 20:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so right about them being surprised at uni students actually working at the same time.

Hope the interviews are going well even if they are traumatising :)

At 19:38, Blogger juice said...

hi wendy,

*wave* - traumatising interviews don't tend to go well, but i say to myself 'i'm learning'. you and holz work ridiculous hours and go to uni big time..

need to think more closely about jobs and things..

see ya soon

At 11:33, Blogger Mike said...

Guess I'll be changing your perception of HR people when I become and asian.


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