Saturday, August 26, 2006

du du du

Wooo - Holz and I went to spa day. it was relaxing and quite a bizarre place to visit. I will elaborate if you ask me about it person .

Happy belated birthday Jimmy. Again I got terribly lost driving there. Was pretty tired. Got my salad bowl back from his last birthday a yearrrrr ago! And also made for his party 120 sausage rolls. And there were plenty left over. Sorry everyone, I left before the crazy antics started and therefore I have no comment to make. You will need to ask him for photos.. they involve chicken drumsticks and big boofy wigs I heard as well as tell tale signs of drunken euphoria or stupor - which ever.

Meanwhile je suis triste. But that's not that unusual lately. But I am finally managing to spring clean my room and so the fact that I have in fact finished my arts law degree is .. starting to sink in. But I feel like i'm totally at square one again really. Now am attempting to complete the Grad Cert of Legal Practice as you all know, but in this i'm possibly just half hearted - it depends on whether I obtain the appropriate legal experience within 2 years and everything is up in the air right now.

The other reason I feel quite amused today is i finalllllly had a look at the photos from Canberra and they are quite hilarious. Or so I think so. there aren't that many but they do capture some strange moments. And looking through these photos I also noticed that it's true, i seem to have lost weight in comparison to like 6 months ago. I don't know why either. I only say this because in one of the canberrie photos I am wearing jeans with the macquarie jersey AND a poofy ski jacket and for some reason that makes me look normal size? there are also photos of laura and me in our sleeping bags with a who stash of food open between us... vegging out.. those were the days..


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