Sunday, December 03, 2006


Happy Birthday Holly~~

how did the splendid party start?
Jim, Pat and I walking to karaoke bumping into Holly and Raf on the way.. walking down the street randomly talking until i broke into song "the animals came in two by two hurrah!" *hurrah!* Holly of course, talking loudly in a unrestrained manner *grins* (well you were Holz..) which is fine with me. *nods*

how did the spendid party end?
Um. i wouldn't know because i didn't stay out til 5/7am like the others. I went home in a huffy mood at 1:30 - could easily have broken out into tears - i've said it once, i'll say it again I Blame Tequila and the horribly generous servings people pour. let's leave that at that.

the middle bits:
Oh the drama. My gosh. dunno where to begin. Holly (and gabe and warner) gave me a HUGE box of lush goodies.. i'm like.. how am i going to use all this? is this a comment against my water conservation character? Totally awesome. In return, i of course gave holly a hastily package thing. I wasn't so much as lazy as having run out of time, so into a work envelope it went. I'm really happy she liked the eyeshadow and lipstick i picked! in terms of colours and brands, it tends to be a personal thing.

For those who know of these kinds of karaoke parties - yes it was like a riot in there. constantly annoying people by making them sit in uncomfortable positions to squeeze past them. As usual ice, liquor, everything spilling here and there. Loud noise... mm. yes all that kind of thing.

I already emailed the few pictures i took. mm.. *joyce goes off to find a snack*


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