Sunday, May 22, 2005

i'm tired

I'm tired -going to drag myself for a walk around though - so I will summarise.

1. driving = verging on rolling the car is very bad.
2. typing = 9 hours of potential OH&S breach + hurt wrist
3. meandering into clubs with anna is to be denied clean air
4. walking home with a moon shadow is fun
5. oooh I saw a milk crate lying on road
6. waking up to a Corona at beach is interesting
7. beach sea water is cold in winter
8. HOT shower is excellent
9. 1 hr bus ride = sleep
10. thirsty = scull can of cold green tea without tasting it
11. $10 should NOT come out of ATMs. buu. *unhappy*
12. coffee + coffee melting moments are good
13. screaming karaoke is painful (for other people. when i'm the one singing. yay.)
14. michael is good at singing though
15. jim & pat with mic can be v. bad.
16. a litre of water can taste v good and make stomach hurt
17. reticent reminiscence
18. detour from work compliance is good
19. excessive is bad
20. in library tomorrow
21. jade woke me up to watch 'tsubasa'
22. I miss some old friends
23. miss quality time
24. Need to create exam guide
25. need to crave less burgers and junk. mm.


At 18:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got 560 hits on your blog already! And you put the hit counter after me! My blog fell out of favour...noooooooooOOOOOOO!~

At 20:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe! i FINALLY checked ur blog out...huhuhu..i'm so slow eh? anyways, any donations to our fund yet?? someone's got to support our addictions!!!! huhuhuhu...

[ H o l l y ]

At 23:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First comment was mine, forgot to put my name. ^O^

At 23:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or is it just stuffing up? Me = Michael.

At 23:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I look really stupid now.

At 00:53, Blogger juice said...

mm.. bugs in blogspot.. sorry~
it comes with the blog template! yay.
And michael, your summary of your party is hilarious! marha! particularly bout Jim! hahahahahahaa..

and buu.. holly, no one takes our need for help with our addictions seriously..

At 19:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wahhhhhh! probably coz we're too happy about it....huhuhu..shoganai dayone...

tonikaku...mike - tis all good..ur name shows up on ur msgs...!

[ H o l l y ]

At 21:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah makes me look twice as stupid with my name there and saying my name didn't appear. Boo! Yes my summary was hilarious coz the party was hilarious itself...Hahaha! I just simply described it best I could...=)

At 11:09, Blogger juice said...

pity you can't blame stupidity on hangover because you didn't have one.

mm.. too happy about it ne holly-san..

people don't understand we had to pay cover charges too.. it's like melting moments with coffee.. costs are higher than i put forward because i think i'm still in the denial stage.. like tian told me to take 2 ruskies.. pitifully i got only one. tis heartbreaking. hahah


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