Wednesday, May 18, 2005

kuhl wetter musik

Ja. Ich bin enfach klasse. Wie gehts?
In dem morgen ich habe ein ishuffle gekaufen. also ein neue anregung fur tanzen in der haus. *nods* yay. schon!

today wa ok. me and holly were laughing at how poor we were. we need to start a fund to help us with our addiction. we are becoming *immune*. So rather than buy the second coffee, were hobbled like hobos over to the coffee cart and helped ourselves to tea. university life and friends corrupts you into being unable to drink instant coffee. probably a good thing.

walking around with cups of tea, it's interesting how the momentum always flicks spots and drops of tea everywhere. doesn't help when you're laughing all the way.

now about our addiction fund.. donations urgently sought.

meanwhile i'm motivated to dance right now. yay for fitness.


At 00:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can read German. Well almost. I think ich bin is like this is. Then u write about music, class, ishuffle and tarzan or something very close...

At 17:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tanzen = dancing

tarzan... no don't go there.



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