Saturday, May 14, 2005


Doing the impossible: tidying my room.

I amuse myself with the idea of going furniture browsing because I need to be more space efficient! Maybe after I host another thing at my house, people can see what I'm on about.

Summarise last night in Verandah Bar - and Anna was right, Jim has an unnaturally widespread grin there. It was indeed fun and super funny (jim and his friend brett dancing was merry amusement). Holly and I pooled our money but five drinks later (one being a donation), not even tipsy, we could no longer ignore the fact we were dressed way too conservatively. The only consolation was there really wasn't anyone there to impress.

It was an interesting place.

Another Day in the life of Joisu

Before the evening, the day started with me humming to Goldwell and obtaining some great strawberry jelly smelling hair products. Then I skipped to the library and realised too late I actually was missing a tutorial. After lecture, ate burger. Returned to library and saw super library supervisor Steven who I owe a coffee. After some printing [yay for Steven! and Fat tony (- the colour printer)] went to take tako away with S-sama. ultimately, the shop handed to us 4 serves. Went to class.
Met up with Alex and his friend Tim-who-doesn't-like-Hangzhou. Which was equally amusing. And yay, I issued reminders that I was owed a present. *grins* yippee.

Friday is the day I have 2.5 hours of class in the middle of the day. So, welcome distractions at other times not unfavourable. (p.s. bible study is not classified as a welcome distraction)


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