Thursday, May 05, 2005


The below post is my friend's contribution to my blog. All I have to say is, if you do think I'm frumpy.. you better mean it in a nice way. But indeed, I was sleep deprived.

Yeah. today I stopped at a red light. Then started driving before it turned green. I couldn't really drive properly either. It's as if someone had messed with all the mirrors and seat heights in an effort to make me drive out of lane. But the point is, yes I started moving before it went green. Moving, Moving. Not just unnoticed rolling. Acceleration. Can't explain why. There being no perpendicular running traffic was perhaps incredibly fortunate. ^_^ Fines are bad.

I had a coffee with Holly at 5ish at Divine Monkey Lounge. Our conversation contained so many jaw-droppers. That was because we were being objective and impersonal. *nods*

Mm mm. I know people care about me, however little or lots - it means much. Caring hurts sometimes. I just don't know any better. but yeah, feeling so frazzled and demanding, irrational and confused. Yes. the insecurity of being in love but not needed and not loved back. Create a perception of distance to make perspectives rational. It doesn't always work, it backfires when several issues reignite - but yes, I can make it work - to see differently. But then walking around, perhaps I look so affected - when friends cheer me up, I think of him ..

I squiggled marker all over my mac today for fun.


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