Sunday, April 24, 2005

long weekend

I don't understand those classes on a Saturday that start from the morning tea hour and go through to post-lunch time. It takes up the best part of the day and then just abandons you at the point where you can't collect yourself and accomplish anything else.

So there I was enjoying soup when I get a call from dear sister and mum who demand to know where parking is most favourable with my student card near the university. Honestly, parking rates don't vary and it's only an advantage to be a student if you're parking somewhere all day (Entertainment centre).

Oh well. Exhausted and annoyed I head over there walking past the uni, where this friendly person whom has talked to me time and time again through the last 2 years or so, again tried to ask me to join his bible study group. There are few people like this, who my memory find it difficult to distinguish but they don't have salient personalities. How can I say No to a bible study group? Well, previous honest excuses of not having time seemed to ineffective. Now whenever I turn around and see who it is that is called out my name I immediately go into their topic of interest, ask them how they are, smile and say 'yeah good luck with all of that' before closing conversation.

On the one hand, I don't want to sound dismissive (because I hate it when people do that to me. buuu) But on the other hand, I don't see where the conversation is going and some people are just unnerving. (It must be the quasi-librarian image! It's made me bait for such things! =_=)


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