Saturday, June 04, 2005


Yesterday was a long day. And I only woke up in the evening when i scrubbed troubles away from my face with checks and balances, out of trouble, and never a dull moment. It was one of those days I woke up, realised nothing important was going to happen, dragged myself out not really feeling that great and came home thinking I could've handled the day more positively. *nods*

therefore~~~~~ the aim of this post is to remind self that all those things, like the favourite fragrance, mascara, something to wear that makes you feel special even if other people think it looks bad (like squishy my tiger thing I use as a clutch~ meeheehee~) yes all these things change moods. So all such purchases like loofahs, mintie body wash, plush towels, eye creams, shoes, lingerie, lip gloss all such things~ are good things.

I think I'll take squishy to germany.. my theory is no one steals candy from a baby, so no one steals a soft-toy looking clutch from a girl ne~

(cough - meanwhile.. assignments) *bounces away~*


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