Wednesday, December 27, 2006

xmas 06


*yada..* harbouring some hurt feelings. Some days it’s easier to hide, some days it’s not, and in front of some people it’s easier to hide, and in front of others it’s not. Aih, self control is slightly under-employed methinks.

I think it’s time to be a bit more reserved. Have to practice sitting on my hands before doing anything that may not seem very bright ne. *yosh!*

Not in my brightest or glimmery of moods of late. c'est la vie. This is despite meeting sean for breakfast on xmas morning. Admittedly, I only woke up when he rang and was hopelessly late. He did not admonish me lightly either. His comments were not unfair and were in fact completely reasonable but was not well received. It was such a minor incident and appropriate to friends, but for me it only affirmed that I have fond memories – but perhaps that is what they can only be. Yes, I was so stressed after he rang me, I considered just an apology and a no-show and then I thought no, no this is neural-pathways working and I need to be better than that.

When I say a minor incident I’m referring to his comments and not my tardiness by the way. Yes, my lateness was inconsiderate and hurtful but the comments forgo any amends I can make, and make amends pointless. I bring to these meetings a great deal of apprehension and sadly it does not alleviate. -delete delete madly-

After dinner I returned home and took a nap. I think i must've been grumpy which possibly compounds me thoughts... du du du...

Boxing day I persuaded/bullied Veebs into watching Open Season with me in Imax. Woo~~ it was pretty cool. I think I’m easily going to grow on watching documentaries. I liked and enjoyed the film very much. Then we went for a walk around town and watched in astonishment as people had to line up to get into shops like Nine West and General Pants… I was incredibly shocked.

In David Jones, the footwear section was completely raided and the items that riddled the floors, the walls, everywhere wasn’t cheap either. Manolos here and there, Burberry, Bally, you name it – all a tackily embedded in mess. I saw a pair of shoes I liked but the price tag I didn’t like. *laughs* there aren’t many price tags I do like too. I don’t want to spiral downhill in a life of credit *nods*. Come 2007, it's time to be stingy again~~ *grins*

Headed to beaches with Gabe, Holly and Warner. not sure how long i'll be staying. Don't think i've packed enough for a long stay. which way to avoca...?


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