Sunday, February 06, 2005


YArrrr, I know I blog on endlessly too frequently! but the 70% cocoa dark chocolate has kicked in and me feel like big rave about how much I ate etc etc~ yada yada.. please, what else is new?

Bronwyn's family and Catherine came over for dinner. This meant big assortment of food. (Yay!)
Ate lots! Even saved room for water chestnut dessert.. and chocolate..

(Bronwyn also surprised me with a face wash pack! (Yay!) - and yes, let's not read into this too deeply, there is nothing wrong with my face.. it just happens to be this way.. I can't help it.... )

Anyhooo -

1. Planning to go to Sashimi All you can consume on Thursday unless someone calls for change.. means i'll have to cancel shift at work
2. Planning to go to Hungry Mack's (YAY~), not sure when, not sure how, not sure who's driving and who's reading map.. tuesday, saturday or sunday or week after on selected days suits me.. timetable is really messed up..
3. Watching LOTR3+ one other film at my house soon + chocolate fondue night OR toastie night*!
* contingent on my acquiring a toastie machine. Which should be soon. Buying things not hard at all.

Uni is going to start sooner than expected..
And Yarr.. dammit I need to go to a beach before Autumn really really kicks in.
There's always something about Autumn that gives me a feeling of Deja-Vu. Something in the light and the air; something in the atmosphere. Transient and soft, a reassuring light; a warmth; a glow... Makes me smile and twirl for no reason.

(Well no, I don't *twirl* - picture lots of colours in my head or something similar)


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