Saturday, June 11, 2005

bit under 50kg

Yes that is me, a bit under 50kg. That's quite heavy. And I felt it when I ambled home just now. Leaning on pillars, poles (if they were clean) starts to seem very attractive at times! swinging my bag crazily as I walk kept the momentum to keep going. *sigh*. Sometimes I forget it's June~ It'll be December before I know it. That's crazy~~~~~~* Have so many days gone by? Indeed they have. mm. time is such a conceptual rubric. I don't feel much has happened or that has been progress, balances don't increase, tastes don't change and yet time keeps going by..

Yes in addition to having someone VNC the PC i was logged into yesterday - OH I WAS SO ANGRY ITD better hope it wasn't them - stay out of my way when I'm livid, then please catch me when I have spent all my energy being angry... - but now today I got hassled by security - do I look underage? What is their problem? I guess I dressed as if I was underage. mm. But if I started casting acid looks everywhere, I'm sorry. It's been a long day. Scribing for 4 hours wasn't that fun. It's sorta a bit strenuous if the student isn't dictating their answer but reading selected chunks of paragraphs and judgments where every word are lengthly spelling nightmares like commitment, proliferation, proletariat, bicameral, ... , but never mind. Hope they do well. Then I spent three hours wondering who would grab a bite with me because I was hungry. If i have to eat by myself, I'm going home.

I ate lots. I was so tired.

Came home to see a car in the driveway with the boot open. Reached out and took look at number place, froze and considered what my options were. 1) go inside and face parent's friends who are SOO not funny and annoying guests or 2) go inside the house and hide in the TV room - risk being found or 3) I dunno i couldn't think of any other options. I thought I'd leave their boot open but then if their battery died for some reason as the lights remained on, i'll mean they'll be around for Longer~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*YADA~. not taking chances. Their one year old daughter is very cute though, but I can't play with her because her parents can only be faced by me in a happy mood. The guy in particular says the most presumptuous things and so one time I muttered under my breath but everyone heard 'God, you are trivially annoying' and - I never got reprimanded by parents (got reprimanded by sister for having failed self-control) but yeah~~ buu it's because I'm tired (*cries*) (waves. ta ta).


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