Friday, June 10, 2005

nothing profound

ich bin im die bibliothek. 15 minuten freizeit.

yes nothing profound has happened lately. I am not that organised. Have been waking up each day at around 10am. Ambling off the miscellaneous prearranged things. And I am more motivated to work on things if my room is clean - and damn it isn't. buuu. It never will be! Not yet anyway! Because there are so many distracting things everywhere.

Meanwhile my sister has wondered why i seem so tart to people. I'm not tart. We had a 'you have a problem''no YOU have a problem''NO you have a PROBLEM" conversation. I just have so few hours to work on equity exam guide - my version. It has to be brief. It has to be succinct. It has to be colourful, readable, interesting... Has to have content.. the usual.

but yay. I just realise that for some relationships with people, it does seem quite apparent that one party puts in more than the other. And usually that is acceptable and bearable.. but then you see them going beyond their capacity to others and think 'oh really, they don't have time for me ne'.. Mo ii yo~ * (smilu smile smilu)


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