Monday, June 13, 2005

sexy voice

Well. Today I managed to drive to Holly's with a trusty map! It took a lot longer than I anticipated, and I stopped to refuel. BUt I made it there. Yay~ Coming back was easier. But I still turned off to go via the city rather than the tunnel? I dunno, it just happened! But no worries~ (good thing when the fuel got to $45 I got stingy and stopped filling, because when i drove off the gauge was saying Full!~ Viola~ Saved myself from overflowing petrol scene. *winks*)

But yes! It was heaps fun! Yay~ My responsibility was to courier discardable paper to the recycle bin 6 metres away. Some people suggested the bin move to where we were sorting, but that would have amounted to a retrenchment of my usefulness, so of course I opposed such a ridiculous suggestion!~~~*

Lots of exciting things happened. But I'm sure I'll talk about it if I see you and if you mention it. So I can't put 7 hours of crazy babble here. Unlike the 'creepy 4' scene we avoided that other time. Today was more a 'Super duper happy four' team. *nods* Holly and I managed to put handles on her cabinet thing all by ourselves and without the aid of architects whose usefulness is not really proven.. [hahahaha - if you're an architect reading this... haha.. chill ne.. =) ]

Holly discussed her five criteria for men.. I think I may post up my criteria soon. But haven't thought too closely about it. BUT I did decide that i like men with sexy voices. That way i wouldn't mind calls at 4am saying goodnight. Although more likely I'd be asleep. They'd have to be my friend of course. Unfortunately, since I have always been very attached to my friends anyway, I know i easily get hopelessly confused about feelings. So I guess there'd have to be sparks, you'd brighten up my day (even if my day was already great~). you'd have to be very forgiving and supportive of things like lateness, lacking senses in direction... and you'd have to be warm.

it's easier to talk about characteristics I'm against; like being uber skinny, uber honkie and having more fragrances and face/hair care products than me or if your hobby is sitting at net cafes or if sense of humour is lacking etc.. or if you have some strange fetish that you omit to inform me about.. or if you are unforgivingly undiplomatic etc~~

.. time for a nap.. of about 6 hours..



At 18:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally came to visit and catch up on your blog! Whee! As usual, vocab beyond moi - but I can see I'm totally out of your consideration of qualities in a guy. Hahahaha! I'm skinny, hkie, lotsa fragrances, losta hair and face products, and the netcafe is my 2nd home, etc. Anyway, I need to leave singles club a.s.a.p. I'm getting suicidal.

At 23:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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