Friday, July 08, 2005


Hi. *long sigh* It's been a logistical nightmare but here I am in Hamburg and with access to the net in HWP using a German keyboard. Reading the comments previously posted was funny because it would say 'koncret3 hat gesagt...' blah blah blah on top of the fact that the keyboard is different and well, the whole microsoft system is German.
Ja genau?

Ok so what has happened. I missed the connecting flight because the flight was delayed from HK and we circled around Heathrow for 20 minutes before we could land and had to queue for 20 minutes in Connections to go through luggage scan. Hurrah Ja? I had to buy pounds and they charged a minimum of 3 pounds for the service. and a 5 pound phone card can call Sydney for 12 minutes.

Anyway, things worked out and I got to Hamburg and Katharina picked me up took me to Dieselstaßa in Ubischstraße where I'm staying very much isolated and by myself.

The funniest that happened was my crisis of paying (costs now referred to in Euros) 5.50 each day for a transport. But to get a weekly for 16.00 requires you to submit a passport photo to attach to the pass. Diese foto in dem HauptBahnhof kostet 6.99 für 4. Sooo - Me and Josephine formed the brilliant plan to just take a digital photo and print it out immediately for 1.40.

(laughs) We circled Central station for 5 mintues looking for a place with a white wall background and not in the view of the law enforcement officers. Ultimately it was done. And the photo I can show you, it's ... as you will see. But anyway I didn't want to ask the staff in the photo shop to loan a pair of scissors to reveal our el cheapo tactic so we ambled along at 6pm while I was in woe that the KCC train booth people close. Josephine rushes into Avis and asks for a pair of scissors. The guy in there was surprised but very friendly. Success.

And now I have a flexipass till 22 juli when I leave for London, although since there have been those 4 explosions in London's Tube stations... I should be fine then. Maybe. I will watch CNN later.

Oh and yesterday was the first day of class.. and to get to Von Melle Park 9 I ended up speaking English, Chinese, German and japanese. Although the last of these were to be conversational to the Jap student studying education here in Hamburg.

Hamburg is really quiet. Don't mistake my funny incompetencies as glamourous accounts of social events. Like I said in my comment in previous post, I am staying in an outskirt place humouring those small successes like buying Erbeeren (which are Strawberries! Nothing alcomoholic).

OOOH Guess what? I managed to use a lighter to light candles. A lighter. It took a lot of effort and I burnt myself but violä: light.

(laughs) Don't think there is no electricity here, but candle light is different and you don't end up feeling so alone.

Although - I have just emailed Katharina about how to get HOT WATER. I thought turning the tap would ... have that.. something ist kaputt ne.

Summer. 14 - 21 Degrees celcius. Overcast skies. Bouts of Rain.
See you all soon.


At 21:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joyce!!
Du bist in Deutchland!!! Wunderbar!!! How excitment! Take heaps of photos and eat heaps of sauerkraut und bratwurst. Lecker!



At 01:12, Blogger juice said...

Hallo Loksee! Wie gehts? Ich habe postkarte gekaufen und werde diese schicken.

Sauerkraut... eew..


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