Thursday, June 23, 2005


I dedicate this post to Mike. He likes computers and photoshop. I think. You may have to read all his self-reflections to find out. While you're there, please post "Hello Joisu" on his message board to prove you contributed to his faulty counter.

Meanwhile, I am so tired. So so tired. Tired, beyond being able to speak. Too tired to realise I could feel warmer. Post-ca·thar·sis. And I don't quite remember all the reasons why. It's good to finally be able to shelve all the things that have formed chaos in my room.

E is just commenting to me that I am already sounding like I'm nostalgic about the Tower. It is an interesting observation. Everyone compensates and negotiates with the spaces you frequent, right, so nothing wrong with ithere. Well. I can say that *now* because it's holidays~ *claps*

The fallacy of me buying things and thinking to myself "it bought this for me" doesn't work anymore. 'It' referring the place that hands me my pay cheques.. Because increasingly I find that .. yes the idea doesn't really work. I like buying things for other people.


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