Saturday, July 02, 2005

le critique

Hallo. A quick brief about my surrounds. There’s no wireless in my room, I get vaguely one bar reception in the living room from somewhere. My borrowed room contains a double bed, some cabinets, a TV, plugs without switches and windows. The walls are clean but marked with signs of pollution. Compact. No nonsense. A room where you sleep and otherwise spend minimal time in. Reflexive of life here for a majority of citizens maybe.

Um. Buildings and flats are very much like those in ‘The Eye’ and other films – although I would be more correct to say that those films use the environment that is here. If you know me well, and are following my tangent… yeah, I’m starting to feel a bit uneasy. I mean I love that I can eat all the things I like, walking around, browsing, the humidity, the rain, the whole melting (physically, metaphorically, literally and laterally) feeling but sometimes when it rains all of a sudden at night, the sound of those raindrops hitting metal somewhere, it’s very familiar. *thinks* that scary movie I remember I didn’t watch much of..

Tonikakuuu~~ I’m not complaining. Just honestly reflecting that moving outside my comfort zone is felt very poignantly. BUT because of this over-exposure to the need to be trendy, look absolutely groomed and over-accessorised, a sudden estrangement and no familiar lifeline (there’s starbucks – but I never go there since that time their coffee tasted ‘strange’), it will be interesting to see how this girl with middle-child-syndrome and on budget lives in Germany by herself. Wooo. How excitement. But really, meanwhile, here I do get that feeling I’m gaudy, lanky, bulky, messy, uncouth, stupid and quite eccentric. Eeearrghh~ The brainwashing of me with my insecurities.

-sigh- why do they comment on my tan and offer me whitening formulas when instead of their fashionable frilly frocks and inca prints I’m wearing no makeup, loose-fitting jeans, a t-shirt, swinging around my mimco bag … *pouts*

(laughs) Oh~ I was informed I should be wearing frilly tops and 3/4 transparent with print tights... If I do, I’ll post up photos.. *waves*


At 15:16, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never understood the whole obsession with white skin; Hong Kong, Japan, China, Korea, India, Michael Jackson... Why the obsession with fair skin? Wouldn't you rather have a healthy tan rather than overly-bleached, sickly, pasty-white-skin that looks like you've never seen the light of day?

[No offence to albinos...Albinos are cool.] =)

At 00:10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know, thatz so of my aunties (unrelated) was looking at me last night and saying that her daughters should all go to japan too coz i'm apparently very "white" now...hrmm...yea, being out of the aussie sun for over a year will do that to u deshou? i came back PASTY dammit!

on other matters...u ARE very trendy already and skinny as a rake, so what are those strange people talking about!??!!? ganbatte ne!

At 01:06, Blogger juice said...

I dunno! I think I just walk around with this 'Help Me' when I'm browsing at cosmetics. *sigh* I love those good mornings when you wake up with mascara running down your face from laughing too hard..

.. just wait til I get back~ *winks*


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