Monday, June 20, 2005

:: Equity ::

Ureshii ne~~ hon to ni! mwamwa~~*

I have The NEW object of my affection - until Thursday anyway!
*hugs* It's what I refer to as 'Joisu's Exam Guide for Equity and Trusts'. Printed a few pages of paper, some no exactly edited to perfection [but that's ok~ It doesn't ever have to be perfect perfect~* just close. very close], gave it a coloured cover and bound it... =D *happy happy* yo katta~~

Peter kindly contributed to it as well. His summaries are 3 pages long, mine are 10 pages. (0_o)~? Ok, maybe his is an exam guide, and my is a mere keepsake for this subject..? (so there you go, if you want notes, you know who to ask! *points* to peter..)

Unfortunately, unlike 'Joisu's Exam Guide to the Law of Torts' it's not printed on colour paper. Buu. But this should do to keep me focused.

(P.s. No i haven't tested it's usefulness yet. But you have to celebrate the small wins ne~~* ta ta~)


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