Monday, July 04, 2005


Madness. Absolute madness. This packing and going to Germany has somewhat dampened my spirits. Yaa.. a maximum of 25 kg is there for a reason but I was meant to travel light. LIGHT. L-I-G-H-T.

I'm going to catch the bus in 2 hours. Only Just received Holly's email about her transformer. I'll have to try to think of something. I can get it if I leave now and then come back for a shower. The heat and humidity was quaint for a while but after so many sleep deprived nights and unreasonable aching knee joints I think it's a sign I'm overstaying my welcome here.. (laughs). Hmm. it's not actually funny. I just have a slight aversion to the air conditioning here. The difference is too great. 34 degrees C becomes 17 degrees C. But that's the norm here. Looking after myself here hasn't been easy ne *waves*


At 17:15, Blogger =Koncret3= said...

Absolutely zero sympathy for those on vacation worrying over the strength of their air conditioning while I'm stuck here at work.

At 14:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Joyce.
Hope you're having fun in Hamburg. If you see a Dior Princess Ring while you're in Europe, make sure you buy it because they've sold out in Australia. Grr. Have fun! :)

At 03:24, Blogger Mike said...

Gee. We have a good equal spread of commentators here.

At 01:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim - Iäm studying hecticly here and living domestically by myself in Hamburg's Woop Woop.

Wendy - I have every intention of looking in Dior... excuses to buy are welcome

Pat - Hallo *waves* Although it wasn't fun that my connecting flight left before my flight could land at Heathrow.. Buu..

Mike - Hallo.

Tschuß alles


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