Monday, May 01, 2006


*sniff* I was just scolded by my litigation lecturer for asking him a question in the corridor without introducing myself first. I recognise a breach of ettiquette but i don't think "Hi Dr (name omitted), my name is.. and i..." would exactly make him stop.

Hence I thought it ordinary to say "Excuse me Dr (name omitted) Do you mind if I ask a quick question about a section 91 application?"

I'm sulking and upset now. He asked how would I like it if people came to just call me by name and ask a question? But unlike him, I don't have the qualifications of a PhD and I get accosted by questions all the time as that is within my job description and it seems increasingly my life description.

Well, never will I forget that it's my job to read the legislation closely and look at the tests "Substantial interests of justice" and furthermore "material facts" is useless in criminal law because it belongs in the civil sphere. Lesson well learnt.

*sniff* Yes .. well.. remember, you can accost me on the street and ask me all random legal questions which I'll be happy to answer because I've never charged $xxx.xx amound of dollars for my time in 6 minutes increments.

On another note, this morning we had an extremely joyous bus driver, who before reaching our final destination of the QVB shouted "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOOOOUUUU." And when he stopped " AND REMEMBER, EVERY DAY SOMEONE LOVES YOUU!"

Totally cheesy and amusing but everyone walks away knowing or hoping that he's words are true.

.. i'm hungry..