Thursday, December 28, 2006

gabe and avoca

despite being quite in the mood to just lie down and pass into an unconscious state of sleep - i decided to post a bit about my friend gabe since he's quite interesting *grins* and just ramble a bit about a fantastic time at avoca beach.

Firstly - avoca - i've returned from there quite early seeing as my option was either one night or five nights. On this one night we managed to eat fish and chips, pizza, pasta, garlic bread. it doesn't sound like much but it was an incredible amount of food for 6 people, or more 4 people seeing as gabe and adrian were only interested in the battered fish.

The waves at Avoca was like freshie - unrelenting, unforgiving and COld!~ The tide was also coming up and all the little holes dug by kids were hidden. When I got up from lying in the warm warm sun, There was also this brown dog by the name of Kolby who was on the beach staring at Gabe and Adrian looking like it wanted to eat them. Anyhow i crawled up to this dog and it uses it's ability to emotionally guilt-trip you into being sympathetic to play with it. I.e. it started sulking and whining like a puppy. So there we were with Kolby's stick - hurling it in the air playing fetch. This is no ordinary stick by the way, it was like 1.4 metres long, heavy, unbreakable to smaller bits, and hurling it was no easy task! In fact I became so weak that when I tried to hurl it, it went like 6 metres and almost whacked the dog because he runs so fast and the stick nearly landed on him. Gabe hurled the stick in the direction warner and holly were sun-baking probably wanting the dog to run or jump over them. The dog was pretty clever i think, despite the oversize stick and dragging it around, it seemed to take care not to have it poke people. aw..

Holly, Warner, Byron and I also stayed up late talking about random things - mostly things about the antics of our mutual friend gabe - and everything we were informed greatly surpasses what we originally knew about him. Things that I cannot say in written text because words just do not capture it. I mean just today when we went to the Entrance and rolled around on the sand banks there, Gabe was trying to jump and flip and consistently we'd hear a *thump!* when he'd hit the sand on his back. Byron was convincing him to do this on a slope because the depth of a slope could give his feet room to land. So there Gabe was on a slope, run, jump, flip, *thump!*. The risk adverse part of me kicked in and there i was standing next to Byron (who was saying "Go Gabe - it can be done") with to hands waving saying "Please don't!" and then Gabe would run, jump, flip, *thump*! the boy is made of steel or something. he also started a sand ball fight and holly and i couldn't tackle him. in fact i don't think we managed to tackle anyone except warner and in those cases we also had to fall in face first in the water.

We also ate ice cream. *grins* I made some sand turtles on the beach (which a passing dog decided to mark as it's territory! buu) We saw pelicans eye gabe like it's food too. *laughs* had sooo much fun!

Oh the only thing that annoyed me at one point in the day when I was trying to take a nap were the cicadas and the constant songs they were singing... Oh and one thing that scared me was the illegal driveway that was at like a 60 degree angle - if i was driving, i would not have driven down that.. Oh and i was making (annoying) sound effects at times when Warner was driving.. it was fun *laughs*


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