Tuesday, August 01, 2006


i need to get contact lenses again.. (random note to self)

today i left the house at 7:30am and returned at 10:20pm. all due to work/uni commitments. dozed on bus for 30 minutes. I think that has been my longest day ever? *thinks* mm. the day started off okay and it gradually became intolerable. I can't explain this addiction to work.. i mean yes, being paid is important and i am shockingly bad at saving.. but as I have been told I don't have mandatory expenses.. yes i know, lucky... or just an over-doted upon child. *nods*

Although today I did get myself into a bother. Caught between places with few options of making it home. Transport was far between - and I have no idea where stand M in chatswood is! Walked around the whole block then called doting parents who told me to catch a bus. In classical child-like amazement I gaped but then the more grown up part of me considered my options. Having waited and been transporting around the 62 minutes between two places that would take 10 minutes to drive between.. so like.. 5 km distance? I considered walking home.. which would have taken 30 minutes+.. in the cold.. so no i called parents again. in my misery and fatigue i *was* going to give everyone silent treatment.. but i was too tired to even keep that one.

This is just day 2 of week 1 for me.. i need someone to whinge to. don't apply if you don't have unusually saintly tolerance and you must be able or have a willingness to learn how to read incredibly poor sign language when i'm totally kaputt. zum beispiel wenn est is kalt und ich habe hunger oder ich bin nicht glucklich oder etc etc.


At 11:59, Blogger Mike said...

Mike was here. =)

At 20:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi mike


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