Sunday, June 04, 2006


aiyah... I'm so sick of junk food. (note: I don't consider m&ms junk food. I bought half a kilo *laughs* - it's downstairs so i'm safe. They are so morish .. )

Having said that, it's because i realise that i've been eating maccas, KFC, hungry jacks and subway way wayyy too much lately. But on that note a nice korean girl bought me a subway that other day - I guess working through the hours of lunch means that I only have access to those sorts of foods. But that was the highlight of last week. A lowly week. This means that if you're around for lunch, let me know (perhaps not this fortnight because I have exams..)

Also on that note, at work we've managed to collect all four of the Ice Age toy things from Hungry jacks and it builds into this slide that the animals slide down. I think that is totally cool - and it's probably been the best toy in ages. *cough* but i suppose I wouldn't know since I haven't had this outbreak of eating junk so much for.. many years. somebody please stop me.

And finally, the new wax therapist I have asked me how old I was. I told her to guess. And she said "17". This explains why I have no credibility at work.

Lastly, I've returned to a very selfish status and .. I plan to go shopping for Pre / During / & Post-exam cheer. Hoorah? Well not really - someone lend me a credit card.. or deposit exorbitant sums in my account. Danke Schon.


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