Thursday, April 27, 2006


Anzac day we gathered at Wendy's and lounged before deciding in quite an impromptu and indecisive fashion to lounge at pete's.

While at wendy's, she felt like playing with her hair tongs and fashioned me into a medusa. Amusing at the time but then the next morning I woke up at 8:30, spent 5 minutes thinking how close that was to 9:00 (when I have to get to the appointed location) and saw the mirror and said.. ah.. *sigh*. I used many hair pins that day. And I lost many hair pins during the day. And I was so tired.

Trying to change my neurological path meant that I accepted a very last minute invite to opera bar from sean. Changing neurological path was only half successful as I opted to spend all my money. yay.

For further comment, you may contact me. But I woke up again at 8:30 this morning and thought ... ah... *sigh*. And the weather is cold! Buu..


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