Sunday, June 25, 2006


It's only in the preliminary stages, but with all hearsay that keeps coming up regarding P&O's lack of concern for the safety of the passengers and their disregard for crime - it sounds even worse than all the horror contiki tours i've heard about and those cases about other passengers biting off people's fingers etc. It's all terribly sad. I'd be really interested to see P&O's image complete go under for all the possible reasons: undersafe environment for passengers, unsafe working environment for staff, no responsible service of alcohol, and all other OH&S madness. mm. They are really going to have to work on their image to survive i hope. I'd also be interested to review any smear campaigns against them.

*shrug* I don't know, corporate reputations interest me. And P&O haven't put out any PR yet though they should be in crisis mode. Probably working behind the veil of not wanting to affect the Coroner's inquiry. mm.


At 13:00, Blogger Mike said...

I started a blog. I have no idea why and what I wanna do with it.

At 17:41, Blogger juice said...

mm lemme have a lookie


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