Friday, June 09, 2006


People need to be careful not to overstay their welcome.

The most ordinary example of where one needs to be *wary* that they may overstep the endurance of someone like me, is where
(1) you are the only person there
(2) you had a reason for visiting
(3) the reason has been dealt with
(4) you have dined (or eaten - i can't quite call what I have to offer as dining)
(5) you find yourself watching TV
(6) you hear that someone else who actually lives in the place you are visiting is going to sleep

Note this only applies if you are not my close friend.

But look, i suppose i'm also more vexed at the conduct of people who live away from home. All I have to say is good for you. I'm conservative asian, spoilt, and do not have mandatory expenses to the same extent but I have added responsibilities and I have to contribute to my living environment in unconditional ways.

So in otherwords, somoeone came over recently. And I had no idea when they would leave - it didn't seem like they really had to go home, and they moved out of home recently, so maybe there's not much to return to.

Living relationships take a bit of time to build - so I could live with some people i know, (possibly not some others) and complete strangers - a big maybe. *laughs* but I'm not the one to be choosy since I'm the one with the intolerably capricious moodswings and i like being able to walk around wearing whatever I want etc.. there's a level of comfort at home.

so don't overstay your welcome at my home! *fist* especially if i don't like you. (i.e. it wasn't me who invited)..


At 21:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Hey Joyce (That was a really funny blog post)

Just wanted to say hi and hope you are not as snowed in as I am with assessments. Damn them to heck! So snowed in at the moment that the only time I can afford to converse with you is this measely comment on your blog-page. =(



(still lol) =)


At 19:33, Blogger juice said...

hi loksee!

*gah* i know. I've finished those assignmentry+exam commitments but i have other work and uni things, and i'm trying to look after myself *nods* - like sleep more!



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