Monday, October 23, 2006

fighting dots

foundation foundation foundation

okay so i'm not fighting the dots. (stupid pox...) i'm still red, dotty, blotchy, very much so - but hopefully things will slowly get better - even just a lil bit better. some things i know probably won't get better... but for the parts that can - slowly isn't good enough. looking like an acne-ridden teen (again?) is getting to me and I found the solution! *huzzah!* Diorskin Airflash. Foundation in aerosol. *super grin* I could go on about the product, but it's

*interrupted by call centre call*

- very good. It will sell itself. But yes - this is all adding to my aerosol things collection. (okay so two items is not really a collection is it..hydrating spray and foundation) but I'm starting to wonder if I'll feel a tad bit guilty when it comes to throwing away the packaging... you can't recycle aerosol cans can you?

and i know i shouldn't be surprised, but cadburys makes those lil chomp bars... i always thought they were some independent separate thing.. oh well.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


mm my gosh.
the realisation that yes my scars hadn't healed properly and so the chicken pox (or glass pox or poxies as i call them) has scarred me for life. By scars.. i mean.. multiple, plural.. lots and lots. By scars.. i mean.. these are not really that small.. like something has bitten off parts of my face..

I consider 10 - 12 to be lots and lots.. and these are all on my face. Buu. So I'm not feeling too happy at all, or rather quite the reverse..

*stoic look* It's interesting to see that i'm making people in the public quite uncomfortable.

but also something else i read is that when people start not taking care of their appearance - it could be a sympton that they're increasingly addicted to an internet persona. Well i do care how i look! But i am just not unreasonably obsessed..

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Thank you to those who came to roofbar - i hope you had fun in the mild evening we had there. The time passed quickly and people were pointing out Wendy's red lipstick on my face - i forgot it was then until people mention it again and i would say 'Oh yeah - Wendy did that! jealous?'

today went to petechia's house for a bbq. I was so buggered.. but it was so much fun as well. I mean yes I wasn't feeling alive but things are still fun.. sitting on the couch and twitching in a nap is fun..