Sunday, February 13, 2005

Hungry Mac's

Waho0oo~ Today went to Hungry Mac's and had a sweet fishburger!

Me have been exhausted lately.

Yesterday, after getting my final HepA/B immunisation, Catherine and I went to Bondi to have a browse (// *big spend*). Now, I know Wendy wants everyone to join her in boycotting Valentine's day because it's another big commercial thingy that sidelines all singles and makes us feel left out (aww.. she's so considerate~!) But even Bachelorette Me had to borrow valentine's day as a excuse for my ... unnecessary...exorbitant...impulse... purchases. So.. YAY~
But indeed, we walked around for 5 hours non-stop and waited for 30 minutes for a train from Town Hall to Wynyard before catching Rail Bus back home. So yeah, come bedtime and I went out like a light.

And having planned it all inadvance, we went to Hungry Mac's today. Gabe went and collected Bronwyn and Vincent for me, and we were off. We got there and of course we were confronted with a difficult selection of foods, *sigh* the choices! But having missed out LAST time (I was full. Brimming. Max.) I got le fish burger. And, according to Bronwyn, the chips were just excellent. Crispy, hot and to taste. So if you're driving by my neighbourhood, come get me and we can go there anytime*.
(* 'any' denoting a reasonable hour of which Hungry Mac's is in operation.)

After this, we decided unanimously to tag along to Gabe's weekly without permit/licence fishing expedition. However, his eager friends had taken all the bait and lines in his canoe and would not pick up his calls. Poor Gabe. Stranded on a sandy bank with us as we played Eye-Spy. Defeated, and having decided we didn't want the responsibility of lugging a wet canoe home, we decided to go to Gabe's house just for a rest before calling it a day.

It was good. We stopped to play in a children's park with equipment that was like a boat. Vincent said he got 'trigger' happy. But... yes.. his photos... are like... ok. I never had a photo of my butt before.

Also, I had an interesting think about the type of people I like. And well, this entry is already too long for me to spiel about it.


At 22:57, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Decided to post on ur thing for some reason. Hmmm....nothing to say.



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