Monday, March 28, 2005


*sigh* my brother has been playing Jay Chou everywhere. But, yes, I found one song I liked. Yes.. like very much..

Meanwhile, I'm trying to continue with assignmentry...

But am easily distracted..

And I think 'Silver Rain' reminds me a bit of Marc Jacobs + El's BP + Angel.. maybe. Will go coffret shopping in May. =)

Sunday, Jim and I went to visit Yahn. Chloe and Kitty were there too. Which was nice.
[kudos to Jim]

After this weekend, my room is as clean as it will ever be. *relief* I have a seat to sit in again.

Today, easter chocolcate is half price!
But no, I didn't feel like eating those. (I say that now.. but later, I'll change my mind). I bought some good ol' 85% cocoa chocolate, to ease my job dissatisfaction.

To be fair, I was tired and fairly annoyed all day but that little short, middle-eastern man in the library was so rude. Logically and adversarially he was not wrong, but the point is, he was *incorrect* and he was lucky it was Easter Monday and I wasn't petty enough to have him thrown out of the library just for being so unjustly damn up-himself. (I need a new job - *sigh*)

In some situations, you can choose to sound nice or choose to sound like a camel with TB. *vein pop* Either way there is very little I can do except ask you act equitably, and of course you can refuse.. but not like a prick..
But he is one subject clearly holding an inferiority-complex (and rightly so, he didn't look like he's grown in height since he was 12) but to straight off argue with me in a very rude tone; in another mood, I'd consider that harassment. =_= I wasn't looking for an argument, I was merely pointing out that other people were waiting for an hour. Little geeks, their big unsustainable egos and finger-pointing.

Once again, I'm disgusted at the people i see lurking at the library..
a minority of people... of course..


At 11:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya Joycee,

Your procrastination is contagious.

Sorry I can't go to Canberra with you. At least you do have someone (Sean?) accompanying you on the long bus trip. Should be grand.

Do you reckon you have time before you leave for our Nation's Capital to meet up...remember I still owe you a coffee, plus I would also like to visit Yang.

This message has nothing or next to nothing to do with your current blog but that "0 comments" at the bottom of the page made me feel as though it were my duty to act.

Talk to you later.


At 19:28, Blogger juice said...

Hellu Loxi,

.. coffee..

Tomorrow I have a group meeting.. and then a class.. and then the afternoon is good for something (*mental note: call loxi*)

And.. yes I think people are accustomed to ignoring me when I'm sulky. UTS library.. is a bizarre place.
I don't like overfriendly people who try to present themselves as more than strangers and tap me on the shoulder in an over-friendly and hard and painful way.
Yes.. it's harassment I reckon.

*waves merrily in a sleepy fashion*


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