Saturday, March 12, 2005


The lecture - was ridiculously painful today.
And the Med appointment. F***. Never going to that doctor again. Shit.

mm. I think I've finally organised myself for this semester.
But I shot myself in the foot with the Law faculty. Darn, one staff was so nice.. and the rest are ravens who want to pick my bones. =~(

So this semester, I have three subjects.
Then next semester, it's technically five. Which is all well.. and good.. if I wasn't thinking about it with massive headaches I've been getting of late.

How? Why?

I dunno. But this semester.. being.. more organised and with time to pursue trivial interests should be good.

Sorry to those people who said hello to me. (two of them don't know about this page - so mental note to be nice to them another day. If I know who it was.. I didn't exactly look at them. I think I spoke over my shoulder and said "Oh hey. Goodbye")
I was walking with great determination because my head was about to explode


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