Tuesday, March 22, 2005

kiss the rain

I'm just going off to munch on some easter eggs..
and I GOT DRENCHED TODAY! ARGH! Even my underwear under my jeans were wet.. and my shoes filled with cold water! At times like this i recognise that yes I didn't have an umbrella.. but still.. an umbrella can't block water 2 inches high on the ground or rain blowing sideways! HAH! So at least I wasn't burdened by an umbrella that would have been useless.
At least a newspaper sort of moulds into shape and sits on my head.

my mac got wet too. well.. everything got wet.

S-sama & watashi, went to see Yahn today. ..hai..

Yes. If I was driving and got someone else in an accident, even if i may not be of fault, I would feel unrelenting guilt and would wish it was me and not them. For people who can walk away, live, eat, watch tv and play video games without so much as an enquiry.. I'm not sure how they can do that. It is absolutely beyond me. =(

Now I think much higher of anyone who does any little thing for me. Like, even reminding me that there's class tomorrow or there isn't class tomorrow, because it simply means that you thought about me. =D Even in the minutest of ways and even it wasn't something you gave a half thought to - for that I am sincerely grateful. =) Totemo ureshii wane~ totemo totemo~ Bless the habitually caring and nice people. Makes my days brighter. =D

Some examples:
Candice! For filling in my timesheet so that I'd get paid! WAhoo!
Bronwyn! For posting on my blog! Because it indicates that you read it and sort of remember I'm still somewhere doing some random thing.
Oh and other people, for inviting me to things and remembering that i like donkeys and stuff..

You're all the best.


At 20:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya Joyceee,

Thought I'd drop a line to let you know I am reading.

Unlike you, I did remember to carry an umbrella today. I swear...nothing compares to the fear and anxiety of having your umbrella self-invert in the wind and flap about your head as you battle with Natures fury to tame it. Luckily, this did not happen, but just the sheer fear of it happening is enough to make you comtemplate walking through the rain without protection.

There's Amy and Jen's 21st on Thursday. I may not be able to make it. Too many obstacles. Laura is making a speech for Amy (a gun was produced and held to her head...a figurative gun...not a real one) so she has to be there.

Whatelse? I keep thinking about India and wishing I was back there...Grrrh! Stop it! Somebody slap me!

*sighs melodramatically*

Hope you enjoy my first post,


At 01:13, Blogger juice said...

Wahooo~ A post from loxi~~
mm mm. -joisu basks in honour-

nn.. I went out before and my umbrella that I *did* carry (in that little pitter patter) *did* invert itself into a champayne glass look.

huh?.. Laura.. (she works in nth sydney anyway!).. making a speech. At the moment I'm thinking I'd rather bundle myself in blankets and keep warm rather than go and consume plentiful beverages..?

We all wish to be in several places at once..
If you choose to go to India again as a volunteer, you know we're here to support you about it =)

At 23:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you would think that in such an event, all functions except the basic eat, drink sleep would be subordinated to caring for the victim of your stupidity and expiating your immeasurable mass of guilt.

But no.

There are all types of people in this world. There shouldn't be, but there are.

What a fucking waste of space. Where is "Clean up Australia" when you need it?


Anyway, coffee is good and Gloria Jeans kebabs are even better.

Ame wa kirei na desu ne.


At 01:16, Blogger juice said...

*angry* damn that no good scum.

Clean up Australia..? no. I wouldn't do that to the nice volunteers, what a terrible thing.

Just when I think scum could not possibly be even more repugnant.. I find that maybe I was being hopeful for him and such hope was sadly misplaced.

I'll settle for deportation.


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