Sunday, March 06, 2005

'A' is for autumn

Yes, how grand.
I'm just thinking to myself. These thoughts that is more a slideshow in an mild orange-sepia tint. These thoughts that run along the lines of how the sunlight glazes everything in Autumn and how the cool air lulls you to sleep.These thoughts that recalls one staring across the landscape (a schoolyard, the front lawn, on the train or bus as one crosses the bridge or passes the trees...) and becoming so transfixed that in the light when you raise your arms, you can't see them - they seem to fade and melt away.. or twinkle.

Yup, these are reflexive happy days as I encounter deja vu. If I could classify the whole of my childhood, it would be autumn. Think orange, long footpaths and leaves, tossing leaves, falling leaves, leaves of all shapes and sorts and red and black tartan skirts.

Such an oversimplification, hai wakatte. I'm sure things were much more gaudy and uncoordinated, but that is the way of loss and selective memories. So if you want forgiveness, request in Autumn where past criticism wanes and becomes lax, and those evils harboured against you may find itself removed.

Meanwhile, I had better get started on stuff. And I'm hungry again. And, reminiscing things are all fine, but it is such a deadly form of procrastination.

Also, I had a whole series of nightmares last night. So whilst I thought I'd I get an early night, in contrast, it was spent tossing and turning. Throughout all my waking moments I wondered why I had to pick on myself all of a sudden and think of all the most heart-numbing and self-destructive thoughts/scenarios combinations in all their varying intensities. And no, it was not a gory as 'Saw'. I know what hurts me most psychologically and emotionally - and that was reaffirmed last night. So what are my fears, you ask? They are few and defeating - so I won't say.

So, understandably I was feeling so dead. And the library was so dull.
And the people who spoke to me were regretably perceived as annoying. 'Regretably' only to seem tactful, perhaps they really were just annoying. I'm not sure.

And pertaining to intercultural communication:

Asian people - looking shocked and as if you don't understand English will not change a 'No' to a maybe. It will stay a NO. And if it is NO, seek alternatives please - refrain from those shocked and I-Don't-Understand-This-'No' look.

Indian people - please don't stand so close when you speak to others. I want to remain slightly fond of Indian cuisine.

Mature-age people - please don't come to me asking for Commercial Law Books... clearly I'm not holding any books... look up the right shelf and go a shelf, and if you say you have never been to a library, please revise your education prospects.


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