Saturday, March 05, 2005

> we've got guests, (read, "annoying guests"...)

What is it about annoying guests.. why are there so many.. I don't understand..

Anyway, the most annoying guest tonight asked me brashly why I looked so glum and whether it was because I had nothing good to wear tomorrow, and i replied "I'm not as dull as you [to think like that]"
and Jade told me off for being rude. I don't think my parents approved either. Maybe if I go lie in bed now, they'll pity me.

So I'm going to sleep early. Really tired.

Tomorrow I'm just doing my walking around hours in the library.

Monday I'm at senso. Tuesday going briefly to uni before flying to Brisbane (for senso again.) Lots of conflicts of interest, but nonetheless, will return on Friday to uni etc.


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