Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Remember when it rained...

The real title of this entry should be "Bizarre Road Trip" - but then I like the song 'remember when it rained', so I'm putting more emphasis there. (mm.. sorta having a mood medley here)

So on Saturday we (Phil, Kat, Wing, Dom, Pete, William, Carl's friend (Lachlan), Lachlan's friend (Carl), Wendy, Peter and myself) went down Port Stephens/Nelson Bay direction to stay for four nights.

1. We (Pete, William and I) drove in heavy rain and realised we didn't have a key into our temporary abode.
2. Retrieved key and spent 2.1 hours in the car speeding in rain. The rain and fog was brilliant. The water was running across the windows and it really looked as if they were air bubbles and that we were driving under the sea. Wouldn't mind doing that again.
3. Played pictionary
4. When we went shopping for groceries, I took and carried away with the intention to permanently deprive Bi-Lo of one red toothbrush. We forgot to pay for it. Yes. Pilfered. Stolen goods.
5. After pizza, wendy and peter had to flee back to Sydney due to an emergency.

6. Went paddling and attempted windsurfing. A very difficult thing to do. The bay was picturesque and full of seaweed and those painful conical shells. Walking around in knee high water was a feat in itself. Standing on the board only to topple over and swallow the..water.. was frequent.
7. Played pictionary and a game involving counters and dials.. which was amusing to watch.
8. Went paddling on the boards. We aimed for the opposite island. We were optimistic. On the board, we gave up on that idea and went to the shore half an hour around the corner. Got some bruises. Two people on each board. We looked like the wounded - good-looking wounded though. haha. On the weedy banks of the other shore, we floated there. Then we realised the tide kept pulling us to the weedy shore and that we were having difficulty escaping. I swapped boards and Pete brought me to shore. I didn't have to paddle at all (yay). We saw a pelican. I pretended to be a pelican. The pelican eyed me in a mean way. The other three, well, they seemed to be stuck still. 15 minutes later, we see that they navigated through the weedy shore and were carrying their board along the road. Too bad we didn't get to the island. The island was about 6 times the distance we went. Ah well.
{mm.. i've heard the song 11 times already. Ha~ Yah, me like ne..)
9. Wendy and Peter returned. And we played pictionary.
10. Went to sleep for the night. The room was pitch black and I thought 'Ok..' Then I opened my eyes to see a strange yellow/green glow on the end of Will's bed. I thought for a moment. There was no way the light was coming from the blinds behind us. It could not be from the the door as the shape was too odd. It's not from either of our phones. So I told William to wake up and see what he thought of the glow. He said simply that I should open the door or open the light. So I had to get up and reach... and reach... and swung the door open. I've said it before, I'm paranoid about these things. So I didn't sleep til daylight that day.

11. Wendy, Peter and Pete went windsurfing. They came home .. escorted.
12. We got visits from the locals, the ambulance and an intoxicated bogan. Think, short, beer gut, UGLY, super ugly, podgy, aussie person who was ... i won't say more.
13. The intoxicated bogan invited himself into the house. Ok, the bogan had a hand in saving the two pete's... but still..
14. The bogan talks on and on, and comes into the possession of a packet of cigarette's that are wendy's dad's. He talks and just says a lot of things that were slightly inappropriate for the moment. We divert the conversation and the bogan talks about his bikes and motorbikes and gives us his vehicles' registration numbers.
15. Lachlan initiated a plan to escort him to and out the front door.

16. The 'visitor' (yeah that sounds better ey?) asks for a lighter - of which we have none, we're non-smokers.
17. The ambulance men told us we should get rid of the visitor.
18. The visitor threatens Lachlan and others because Lachlan tried to be friendly and asked for a beverage from our visitor's six-pack.
19. The visitor gets the idea that he should be on his way but threatens that if he doesn't get a light he will string up people by their necks. (im not exaggerating, he did say that in his own words. I just don't recall his exact words.)
20. The visitor means to converse with me. For two minutes I didn't have the comfort of other people. This was solo. Talk about taking one for the team to be-rid of him. I could not have felt more depressed. *teary*

21. He wanted me to lean down because I was taller than him. Yes. That does occasionally happen. Me being taller.
22. I've rarely felt more scared.... No one to save me.
Seriously, I couldn't take it anymore. dismissal of his jibberish. flee back to the house.
23. Three of us took for the safety of upstairs, locked all doors, close curtains and feared for our safety. The other four didn't think it was a big deal. It WAS a big deal. It turned out all ok.. but.. fear!! Fear is Real!!
24. Will had long bailed on dealing with the bogan and we talked about how scary it was! I told him that I was so scared because he was casting me smouldering-gruesome looks and looked like he was going to touch me. EEargh. Shit I am depressed.
25. Around midnight I called Jiong, Candice (no answer), Gabe to get Anthony's number, Anthony to get Dom's number, Dominic to get Kate and Hanna's number, and Hanna - who was able to fill in for me at work. Yay... so we abandoned thoughts of driving in the dead of night...

26. So today.. I asked Gabe to drive me home from Pete's place. He agreed. Yay for Gabe. And I'm sorry Gabe, but you do sorta live closest-ish! ( Actually, I know that isn't an excuse, I wouldn't ask you for a lift if I didn't need it. But so much for my resolution to stop being lazy and to be more stoic when it comes to carrying baggage and unmeeting transport ends. I'm sorry, and thank you.)
27. Stop over at Gabe's house found some interesting things going on
28. Dropped off to Jenchoi's thing which was very interesting also
29. Left earliest homeward - even before the presentation of cake - but so tired...
30. sitting here listening to this song.

So there you are. All that in a space of a few days. ... hai..

But remember when it rained.


At 00:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read and thought i should post. Joyce ur such a much was the toothbrush? like 30c. U also stole from Bi-Lo which has to be one of the poorest supermarkets around (maybe Franklins), but i mean stealing from the poor has to be worse than stealing from the rich (like Robin Hood).
Hmmm.....doesnt Wendy have like pepper spray....should have used that on that guy....thats all i suppose.

At 00:51, Blogger juice said...

I did not possess intention to pilfer. An oversight. And out there, Bi Lo is BIG. And clearly it was worth nothing to them because it wasn't sensitised. Oh well, I am not denying that Bi-Lo will always be the true owner.

At 09:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, what's wrong with bogans!

I'm a bogan!!!

Nothing like a 6 pack of VB (Vitamin B!!!)

At 09:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And c'mon! Asking for a man's tinny! That's worse than sleeping with his wife!!

At 11:06, Blogger juice said...

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At 21:17, Blogger juice said...

a. bogans scare me
b. drunks scare me
c. unattractive people scare me..
d. a+b+c+chatting me up = even more scary

I never directly said there was anything wrong with them even if they threaten my friends and infringe the comfort of personal space.. I'm sure you think the same. Hence we are in agreement. Perhaps. Shida nai yo.


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