Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Went to I don't remember the site - Peter knows ask him. And apparently in Lane Cove there are 20 endangered species living here. And it also listed one that was extinct.. aw.

I like Bilbies.
And I am also beyond tired.
Just also a bit restless.
Need to sit down on Sunday to begin essay.

Mm.. IABC? Who signed me up to receive those emails.
What? Why? ..huh?

Anyway this morning i rocked up to this interview. And I ended up just stirring things around and then leaving with a bright light shining on me. I only wanted to know what they actually did - and they called me in to recruit me without telling me. Yes, so hush hush. It must be a high turnover job - I was right.

As soon as I got there. See other candidates who look pretty darn glum, non-smiling and in gloomy colours. Yes. Good luck to them since they probably are more serious about getting the job. You can just tell what sort of things is going on when you see a lot of other candidates. They looked like they were recruiting for a street crew - i openly said so. And they were like 'wha..?'

So to go on, if there is one thing I am not going for right now is 'direct marketing jobs'. Hello -NO. Sounds like a licence to harass to me. I'm awful to telemarketers - I've been meaning to change that, honest. But yes, the interviewer asks me things like my marital status.. *stop rant* Anyone who doesn't get the job - you have an avenue to sue. *continue* And then tells me yes he gets at least $5k a week and has two of his own companies. As an added bonus, his communication skills are poor, and he was belittling me. Emphasis on money and goading me about my 'learning curve' is the worst thing you can do. I must look pretty stupid, is that right..? Well I look better in pink than you do. Ner.

Well. everything about that place just made me think so poorly of them. They didn't read my resume. They found out what I was studying and belittled me some more- oh yeah. explains why they didn't read my resume maybe. But there was makeshift furniture + lap tops everywhere. I wouldn't say 'dodgy' but the whole thing just made me laugh. Then again, I was only there to practice interview skills. la la la. And I've been a mystery shopper, so I take note of these things.

Anyhow, my 28 year old interviewer was repeating himself after I answered all his questions. Interesting, lateral, Not very disarming. After that he seemed to be repeating himself again.. Yes Boy. Learning curve.. hmm.. not interested no.. so I took over the interview and asked him questions.
I outstared him too. Yes. joyce not in nice mood.
He should thank me. I made his day less boring.
I asked to evaluate his role, and whether he felt his sense of achievement. Then I ended the interview for him because it would save me the hassle but I said "I think we both agree, this isn't exactly what I'm looking for right now. But it was interesting talking to you about it. I'm sure it inspired me in some way I will realise some time later down the track."

{OK. If i end up unemployed in the future - it might be Karma.. but I think I did the right thing today}

but yes.. after 7.5 hours of classes in freezing cold rooms. This mean girl is so tired. But no, I didn't miss my bus stop on the way home. And Goldwell gave me their whole range of hair curly products because I stopped in to say hello and said I really have no idea what to do with my hair sometimes. But yay. In addition to all the schwarzkopf stuff.. my bathroom is a salon. Which doesn't make sense.. But yes. I got an extra large bottle of 'hair lacquer' hahhaa.. wow. I was joking with Holly and saying this was better than a capsicum spray. And yes, it is flammable..

Crawling to bed. Facing KG tmr. *sigh* pain pain pain.. pain.. need pain killers.. lots..


At 00:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are my hero. That guy sounds like the lord of tossville.

And hey, who is that sexy guy in the pic? huh!?

At 20:34, Blogger juice said...

(Oh dear)

(Pete I ought to warn you about advertising yourself to my friends)

(Interviews can be fun - especially when I'm angry or mean)

At 23:09, Blogger juice said...

hi pat


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