Thursday, July 14, 2005


Let me firstly say that my budget is difficult. And some things here are cheap - yet I have this budget. I may need to seriously consider employment opportunities when I return.

And secondly, no, going to Kiel didn't happen - but tomorrow I'm going to Bremmen and then on Sunday I'm going to Cologne by myself. Apprehensive? Slightly.

Yesterday I was feeling slightly distressed seeing as I couldn't sleep because it was sooooo hot. And so spending a long day walking around soured my spirits slightly. On the trip home in the evening I felt with that relief you get when you approach a final destination for the day. Only to remember firstly that there wasn't much I was returning too. (Buuu) Secondly, that spagetti is not my friend and ich habe keine etwas zu essen (Buuuuu) And thirdly, there's only cold showers.(BUUU! cries

Yes I have this almost subtle oppressive feeling where I'm staying. I'm not use to it, no, but also it is so mysterious that the water heater thing does not heat up no matter what and for how long I have tried.

I've given up wasting water - I turn on the 'hot' shower and take cold showers. And I know I have dealt with this issue for a while now but it is absolutely beyond my comprehension! Out of disgust I am going shopping now. ( unhappy look)

i wonder if Holly will find me a job...


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