Thursday, August 25, 2005

90 mins

Yes. Hellu. What *do* i *do* on a day with 90 minutes of class. Yes, it's a huge conspiracy.

Today we went to yum cha. Now it was intended to be a gathering to last see E before she departs for Amsterdam - alas it could not be arranged because all our peers (*shakes head* law girls.. i mean *real* law girls.. as opposed to were all busy. Technically i have all this time for my thing due Saturday and I decide to go to lunch and coffee.

So as mike says, Holly and I arranged to meet for lunch at noon, but we were running late. More accurately, we were 'on our way' for times longer than we anticipated. The explanation i always use is "Sorry I undestimated my walking speed". But it was hilarious. Mike and I was waiting outside the restaurant for a while so as to avoid the sitting in there harassed but ordering very little sort of scenario. We were chatting - or I was talking all over the place. then when i got tired we went in.. sat there.. and accusingly i said "Mike! So boring eating with you! No variety!" (we had ordered four things.. and we struggling to eat it all - we ate one.. of them). Yes, then Howard came, Holly and Atsuko arrived and Gabe came also. Not that late as well, comparatively. Ah. so exciting.

Afterwards Holly and Gabe had to go move their cars. Atusko, mike, howar and me at GJs randonly talking and trying to stay awake. Well me and atsuko by ourselves *still* waiting for holly and gabe were trying *v* desperately to stay awake. When ta da~ Holly wanted to buy a dress and.. to keep a long story short - we bought the dress and ended up at Myer with a time limit of 30 minutes.. where me and holly spent the entire duration in intimate apparel with Gabe deciding to look at other things. Shopping was successful. We dashed back to uni by which time i was like.. ooh la.. something is not right (think Madeleine *laughs*).

6pm. thought i had my 90 minutes of class. Peter who was there told me it started at 7pm. He was correct. (*yada~*). Of the whole day i choose to attend the latest class. This is followed by the dizzying motion of starting at time ticking off so slowly dominated the 90 minutes of class. I didn't notice holly staring at our class through the window. *laughs* that is so typically me.. so unaware..wakatte..

After class.. i wanted to go home.. home is good.. i could have started seeping a few tears.. but instead i collapsed on a couch in the business area and then decided to test my pain threshold by walking to oporto with holly.. we talked.. very loudly.. and ranged a far-reaching assortment of topics..

it's late. i'm tired. i feel pain. *crawls away*
See you 03 September if not earlier.

p,s i received a letter from yang. ne.. tsugo wa warui.. i'll open it later.. days later. gomen.


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