Sunday, August 21, 2005


Firstly, I can't find my glasses. I have checked most of the places I would habitually abandon them - unsuccessfully. So I am wearing these new ones knowing how terrible my vision is becoming.

as a first reflective statement, let me just ponder about myself. am i just overcompensating for a lot of loss this year? am i actually progressing and if i am why do i feel so stuck? bubblegum stuck.

But yes - Jim's Party on Friday Night

The evening started off with Bunny deciding not to go. Souka. While i am always supportive of my friends (or so i try to be), is it that when you are supportive of something, you reinforce that it's ok to be like that. Is that why sometimes i make people even more unhappy and sulky just by being there? I don't disapprove and I respect your feelings - but i'm just thinking is that why.. some things in my life have resulted in me feeling better though equally upset in quarantining some friendships? Anyway there are a few issues here.

But anyway - that was how sober and thoughtful I was at Jim's before Holly and Warner arrived. Oh - but to *find my way* to Jim's, I was driving and saw this 'Asian' car fly around between three lanes. It was Pat. I was flashing my lights at him like crazy but obliviously he stopped at Shell. Anyhow - there I thought someone could show me how to get to jim's thru carlingford. How wrong I was *nods*. Firstly, Pat drives like a maniac. Darting around all three lanes and *behind* over sized vehicles (laughs) and squeezing *between* two cars when in front of him his lane (far right, i might add) was free. Seriously, it looked like someone on the far right suddenly urgently needing to take a left turn out of le blue at *every* intersection! And I thought he just wanted to annoy me. BUT anyway, the inconsiderate one sped through a yellow light and left me somewhere lost. mental note: going via beecroft is probably faster.

I had been debating the whole night, whether I would go or stay. Grace, Tian and Mike had to go. Some excuse about needing to play video games as a social item. I'm amazed. It's exactly what i mean, boys will be boys. I think I'm getting use to that fact now. Anyhow Tian did me a great favour by telling me to eat semi-cooked char-burnt beef instead of the very delectable looking semi-cooked char-burnt pork. And the chicken wings and sausages looked as crispy as sticks. It was great! this is the fourth year i've witnessed and Jim still can't cook~ *laughs* And yes - because i felt a tinge of guilt to see Holly and Warner coming all this way during the middle of the night - we had to at least make sangria and then after, it was only reasonable to depart to uni from Jim's in the morning. Anna also stayed remarkably long for someone in command of all her senses. Bravo.

Other highlights included me getting in trouble for being noisy, we're all playing Black Jack and saying "hit me!!~" to brett-the-dealer even though our cards added to 20, Brett and Anna wanting to punish me badly because we had a punishment rule for our card game -*sniff* they were mean but i ran away *laughs* i'm a bad sport, i believe i was singing very poorly, we talked a lot, jim lay there demolished, then at 7:45 am we cleaned up a bit and departed.

Then began our trip searching for macca's. *laughs* Brett was our quasi-navigator AND reassuringly he turns the map around. *nods* I approve! But, there holly was cruising around 80 in 50 residential zones in the rain. Then even as I was going 100 on one of those highways, she was wayyyyyyyyyy ahead AND our gap was getting bigger in that 70 zone. And I almost lost sight of her a few times. She did some of the unconvincingly lane changes too. *laughs* Anyway at maccas I noticed I had around $4.50. *cries* i checked netbank and including expenditure yesterday i have withdrawn.. a lot. never a time under 3 digits... over the past week and i'm left with $4.50!?!?!?!?!?!?!?..... how...?? i will have to play this semester conservatively, and eat tofu teriyaki daily. *nods*

Okay - class was fine...... ............... < yes that is a lot of dots.

Re: Chris' Party on Saturday Night

Then I came home - got ready - went to Chris' party. And oh my, how can he drink so much beer with no reaction? *nods* And I haven't seen him this happy for a while - In fact I haven't seen him for a while!! I also saw MK who i hadn't seen for 2 years. As soon as I saw him we started ticking off un-actioned debts - xmas cards etc etc! It was hilarious! MK was always the reliable one, he never ever goes back on his word - or so that's what I think. Chris was pretty crazy, by that i mean explainably happy but unexplainably sober all in one. especially though i saw him drink bier like water. When Rita left, I had in my possession 10 drink coupons. Now, as a matter of principle, i intended to have all 10. But i had 7 and i faltered. I recalled I still had to be able-bodied to drive.

Oh i go eat dinner~ yay


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