Monday, August 15, 2005

plastic bag

oh. I make an extra note about how i need to use clean plastic bags to make cookies. It's partially because I don't like getting the whole of my hands super greasy (i know *professional* people wouldn't get the *whole* of their hands greasy - but i'm a happy cook) AND the clincher is that my medical-studying brother doesn't like seeing me touch his food. He is okay about it now (you should have seen him making his ricotta cheese cake) but since I've been into cooking since 12.. I've grown up with an anti-bacterial and anti-touch-my-food person my whole life.

Also, the extra extra amazing thing is that I made cookie dough with a fork!

if that doesn't amaze you, well I'll have to try harder next time ne. *shrug*

I was going to use wooden chopsticks like i normally do, but at Holly's Gabe and Warner couldn't find any. So viola, a fork stirring and whacking and beating and turning. Viola, cookie dough. Scoop into bag. Knead and bash. Scoop into shape and bake. Tis easy. Was saving some for bunny, but Jade ate them all.

An extra note about my brother and sister. I love how I'll know them my whole life. I love that we're so different and that they'll always be around. It amuses me to know my brother knows me and those times preceeding my appearance, just as I remember the times before my sister sprung into our lives. It's hilarious. So many laughs about the things we did in our childhood. The extra memories we don't know but that we believe and makes us here today as we are. Family ne~. These things that can make me draw tears. Growing up wasn't easy - It's still not.. and so I am excessively grateful to them and my close friends for always helping me out.... *hugs*

Yup. You know who you are~~~ See you soon!! *winks*


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