Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Anna has issues with certain lingerie exhibits that women can make themselves the butt of (excuse the pun). *laugh* and I couldn't agree more! but having said that... I really can't comment can I? I'm sure I have unwittingly been in a similar position. I have been informed by a bra-fitter that the lifetime of one lingerie item is 3 months. mmm. Yes I notice how things stretch. Particularly over the shoulder straps!~ gah~~* and particularly frenchies. Buu~*

I've said it once, I'll say it again, good ol' Bonds. *nods* I like those soft cotton tshirts too~ they're lovely.

Nonetheless, i apologise if you have tried to reach me and have been unsuccessful. If it is any comfort to you, missed calls on my mobile is playing with my mind!~ *cries* I don't have voicemail for a reason, the number of people pausing and hanging up plays with my mind worse!

1730: 1st missed call: if it's important they'll call back
1830: 2nd missed call: oh okay. oops
1930: 3rd missed call: (o_0) ~ what could it be? who could it be? why did they call? did they call before? why did they call before? who is it anyway? is it important? It's probably important..?
2030: Awaiting call. whhhaaaa.. they not call back buuUUuUuUuuuuuuuu~ *sniff*

Third day in a row. If this happens again I can only explain this by personifying the phenomenon and calling them 'my dear telemarketer friend in Delhi..'

Don't play with my mind ne~ ta ta *waves*


At 04:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

arghh! i'm suffering insomnia and boredom...well...i'm really exhausted, but now that i'm sitting in this chair in front of my laptop, i just want to stay here..instead of moving to the bathroom or bed or whatever....! i also want a lighter (let's go zippo shopping!!)...i've filled my bathroom with candles...!

At 13:09, Blogger juice said...

OOh Ooh~~ I have boxes and boxes of coloured matches! *yay*

I like candles too.

And I was up to 4am too. ANd i didn't make it to 9am start..

See you later for coffee at 1630~


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