Thursday, August 11, 2005


Yes another exciting day of THE most easily amused girl. Thank goodness I am home *rubs eye* mascara rubs all over *points* and yes that is how it's done.. for those who naturally go for the smoky kohl eye look.. Viola~ My brother just passed me a tissue! *laughs*

Today I woke up, and knowing I had been successful in prearranging my logistic and tactical activites for the day (that began at 1pm, so noon to be on time), I decided to snuggle with my cat pillow (Crooky) to ignore another bright but very cold morning. The phone rang and I give myself that slap to sound awake (well, no i did NOT slap myself, but you know what I mean), and after a 'Hellu' i heard this really chirpy happy and warming voice "HEY!~ LET'S GO EAT TAKOYAKI" *laughs*

*shakes head* Morning people.
But that was the start to a fine day, though very little happened. I guess that in itself makes small ordinary events all the more happier and significant. *nods* no pressure. no stress. no break-outs. the marc jacobs fragrance never felt better, the air cleaner, the step out the door never more welcoming. Happiest day in 2005 so far~ and.. it was so unextraordinary. It's probably my mood swinging back to normal - too tired to even stay moody.. tsk tsk. Hai~ It was a smooth day, if slightly not used to maximum capacity and efficiency. but my timetabling is so.. catering for contingencies that have not occured much to my disappointment.

TONIKAKUuu~ I found out - I eat a lot.
This packet of m&ms don't count. my sister gave them to me.
Takoyaki and teriyaki tofu is excellent as always at the jap place that sits 12 and has a staff of 5... yum yum.. seriously.. teriyaki tofu is new official favourite. So now you know what is a good peace offering ne.. *laughs*

Yes. see you soon~~ *winks* *skips away*

*skips back* Oh and the reason this post is titled mac is because my sister got a 15" ibook.. *cries* I want.. a 15" powerbook.. *laughs*.. no. But like I said to mike I have zero reasons to like PCs and one reason to love macs. Ta da~ macs win.. Oooh ooh~ and Jade told me her friends thought Apple only made iPods.. *laughs* see I don't get those jokes about mac when PC users can be even more 'less-bright'. but no, PCs are fine.. I use them..

I've been thinking about the donkey sanctuary too lately. mm. *waves*

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At 10:13, Blogger juice said...

.. ..
.. right..

*laughs* People and their spare time. It's a non-discriminate trend.


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