Saturday, August 20, 2005

washing line

*Oro* - I Am very tired. I shall give myself more moments before I say things that may be too ridiculous. Like the fact I'm lumbering around uni after not having slept more than 3 minutes at a time accumulating a whopping 20-30 minutes. *winks* closing my eyes or eye feels really good. *nods*

I just realised that Chris' party specified semi-formal and that's for tonight. He has allocated times 6:30 to 1:30. *blinks* I nearly forgot. So I'll have to go home and shower and change later, which will be like deja vu because I did that yesterday..

*blinks* Oh My~ I left my bowl at Jim's~ *laughs* (and I would laugh manically too - but it hurts) *laughs**winces* A bit of support would go a long way right at this moment. *nods*


At 22:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hats off and wild applause to u babe!!!!! i am uber impressed u made it to everything today!!!!!!

i crumbled and missed my french class...i KNEW taking a half hour nap would be a bad idea and voila! indeed it was...buuu....and then i got dragged to yet another dinner thing...buuUuUuUUuuu!!!

warner was really hungover and didn't make it to work either...huhuhu...bastard managed to sneak in so many drinks itz not funny...i didn't even realise there was vodka there!? huh!?

okies...i'm gonna zzz...i'm so tired i fell down the stairs of the restaurant dinner was at...matt wouldn't let me drive home after that...grrr....!!

At 18:35, Blogger juice said...

*laughs* - Indeed I made it to everything~~ You know how I said some important people check this blog. So I can't really comment to much on some areas..

*cough* Well!!~ You will also be impressed to know I spent a staggering 30 minutes with spell check~!! And another ..few.. minutes trying to decipher / remember some things I had typed.

But - sitting in class for 3.5 hours at a time. My wrists+ arms were dying. I know about occupational help, but you can't stop a lecturer from talking. And I also got butt ache sitting there.. i was whinging sooo much in my head...


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