Tuesday, August 02, 2005

99% cocoa

what possessed me to buy 99% cocoa chocolate? The only thing that is good for it is sprinkling on pavlova or something!
*reaches for star shaped marshmellows*

Re: Germany
I've been told I really haven't talked about Germany with adequate or relevant depth. So I will now take a moment to think beyond the squirrels, the bread, the salads, the university and see how my memory works. (We can see that animals, hunger and rituals are things that are basic things for me. Now that I've got a moment, let me think..)

BUT!! FIRSTLY, i want to mention that I was thinking in the lecture today, eyes closed, comatose.. okay, bordering on a fully-fledged daydream and sinking in my seat when peter unprovokedly half shook me!! Buu!! He did that twice!! Whyy... (*laughs*) Don't get me wrong, I don't usually do that in class! Except, quoting Isabelle "The lecturer's voice was so soothing" (*laughs*)

Okay - Germany

I thought their urban scene was relatively quiet. Wandering through the wine festival was bubbly in an enclosed space, shopping around in the fussgangerzones around and seeing a lot of people, the sound always occurred to me as being slightly muted. We even witnessed a Turkish demonstration for something but their calls to action also seemed perhaps dulled, not a riot at all. Perhaps that is because Germans are earthy, reserved, polite and friendly. There was an intoxicated elderly man in Dammtor station that time and called out to us 'Korean!' and i said 'Nein', he replied 'Entshuldigung'. Really, even China Lounge (the club I went to in the Red Light District) was relatively tame. It had 3 floors, each quite small. Think Jacksons but as a club with line of people there.)

Our class went on trips to the Town Hall (rathaus), the International Court of the Sea, the Civil Courts of Justice and Luneburg. Luneburg was a wealthy salt mining city and it's wealth bought it out from being ransacked during a lot of wars. It was also the only city in Germany to be untouched by either world wars. In the past, Luneburg, Lubeck and Hamburg were the reknowned cities because of their access to trade. So that was a place with lovely old buildings. I was concerned about those ones which had plants growing between their outer wall and the footpath (there is no strip of garden - flowers just sprout between the bricks. hmm) There is a depression in in fifth of the town due to the taking of salt water and boiling it to create their salt business. Their town hall was also really nice. It was a structure kept since the 16th century (approx could be older - you can tell i don't remember). They just kept adding walls on. So there are paintings and architecture inspired by each of the styles. Byzantine, gothic, rennaisance.. some pictures in the rooms took the lifetimes of 2 artists to complete. I make a note that I need to see the sixteenth chapel and Michaelangelos roof which is curved up in the distance and yet painted such that the portrait appears as if painted on flat paper..)

Hamburg on Sundays: there is a fishmarkt which is open from 5am to 11am. A place that is traditionally the stop for people hungover and still merry from their Saturday activities. I didn't attend any of these sundays, Hamburg also had many churches. Apart from St Michelis, I liked the church in Eppendorf. In fact I did like Eppendorf because it was just a boulevard of terrace shops. They were white and sold a range of overpriced goods. Again a quiet place, pleasant in the sun. I did buy Guerlain eye shadow/kohl thing which is really cool! It's in DJs - check it out. metallic eye shadow you can make into watercolour. Well for my amusement ne. And it was half the price you can get it here ..

The places I became quickly familiar with in Hamburg was basically it's city centre. Rathaus markt, Jungfernstieg, Ganzemarkt, Hauptbahnhof (of course) were all within walking distance (5 minutes between etc). Their Alster lake is nice. They have a sprouting fountain thing like Canberra - that is all I have to say about that.

I enjoyed my time there very much.

Meanwhile - back to this moment!

I'm tired lu~~ static timetable disallows me to pace myself.

Loksee (and Holly) berated me the other day for always claiming I don't have friends at UTS. (*laughs*) Sorry - it's not because you don't register as a friend it's more UTS doesn't appear relevant when I waffle away with you guys! (you know who you are). When I think of UTS, I think of the Tower... and I think of youuu, I don't think of the Tower.. Yuhhuh I can see the Tower from my room! *points*

Meant to be around there at 9am tomorrow. I said that on Sunday night and I made it there at 10:30. Shopping (browsing) a range of wares tomorrow arvo with Holly tomorrow.

Hope Anna gets well soon.

And happy birthday to my sister , Gabe and Pat.


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