Monday, August 01, 2005

Spring 2005

YADA! Another semester begins in 8 hours. I am hoping my timetable is one of those magic squares where you just have two more twists to get it right and then maybe something magical will happen.

Anticipating such magic in advance,the plan is to go to Verandah on Friday - then following Monday, I want to go yum cha/trolley chasing again. Really, I'm craving those staple foods. In Germany I ate a lot of salad which was absolutely delicious and fine also, just compare it to sauerkraut, and yes then I will return to salads etc after.

Saturday was mild-mild, which was excellent. mike, wen, tall-pete, warner and holz (chotto osoi ne~) came to witness some of my domestic ramblings to self. I made vodka take on a physical form! - by infusing it in strawberries. *laughs* Will not do it again. Honest. Then Gabe, though seized by illness, graced us with his presence and we went to the Rocks. Well he wasn't exactly seized by illness as if near rigor mortis but yes poor gabe. (makes those who didn't come appear extra guilty~*)

To keep a long post considerably shorter, I learned a lot. Sour Apple schnapps shots are very nice. People have crazy fetishes. Tian and Mike want to be escorts in their next life.

ta ta~ *waves*


At 02:44, Blogger Mike said...

I umm...think there's been enough emphasis on our next lives already Joyce. Shhuu! *watches reputation go down the drain* That was just Tian's wish which he made mine also which I found humerous. *shakes head* I mean, who's so dumb to wish that when I can just bloody wish that I'll be filthy rich in my next life in the first place?

At 12:56, Blogger juice said...

I had class at 9.. and I woke up at 9.. buu

Next life I would like to see the environment get better as opposed to being not getting better and in it's current state now.. kanashii.

As I said before, Tian is funny..


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