Sunday, August 07, 2005


ooh i can hear birds coo-ing.

At pat's thingo I had a moodswing. I won't even try to explain it. I'm having one of those moments where the less significant just faded and I've been exposed to the floating issues that cause unease. Otherwise tonight was a good night out. Dinner - Coffee - Singing - Coffee - Home.

Went through the motions of being lively, serious, playful, thoughtful, teary, bitchy, teary, thoughtful, happy, happy. *winks* Oh, and I love just being a girl and driving slightly dodgily. *laughs* Not that I drive dodgily, but other cars leave more room for me to do U-turns etc.. not necessarily, if they wish.

So at around 2am, me and Holly managed to get to Pancakes and covered those floating issues which were knowingly going to make us sad or disappointed or outraged or happy or gushy *nods*. With some topics, it's all predictable and we tend to think to be logically reasonable (indeed they are!! no doubt about it whatsoever!!) but we agreed, attitudes can differ but largely each to their own and la di da. So I can't help it if we don't agree. And the other hurtful thing is that sometimes we know there is no point being nice, but we're not cool-hearted enough to react in angry PMS ultimatums. *laughs* though i have exceptions to that statement, let's just go with it for now..

To close off this post for this moment, we realised after having recounted previous night at verandah with several people, apparently, we were being checked out by Girls! *silence* *laughs* *shakes head*

It's winter and cold. Sydney nights are tame and mild-mild.

additional explanations

Re: About Sunday 12am - 4am

12am: We were still singing. Or really we were trying to but Mike gets up and down walking around 3 times in one song. Buu~. Everytime Mike gets up we yell at him and he seems to pause, unable to decide which way to go. He screams out his apologies to the room 3 or 4 times in a non-apologetic manner pretty much drowning out the room which is pretty much in chaos.

There was one moment where I remember glancing longingly at the other side of room which was momentarily abandoned. It looked comfortable and quiet AND where the there weren't peanuts and cheezels everywhere. Look at us: Chen and Mike squabbling, Look over there, Phil looking thoughtful. Look at us: Ooh, our song and we're pretty much croaking by now.

1am: The music stopped after Holly's Elva song and no one seemed to notice. *shakes head* We start standing up and the I see Pat say 'ooh that's mine' and grabs a Jim beam and puts it in his pocket. *laughs*. We all decided to head to the bathroom which was closed for cleaning and so the poor boy had to fend off our girls. So we pretty much sealed off the corridor. I think Holly had laughed at my lack of direction before, and it's true! but those corridors with no characteristic doors or anything.. yada, it's not all my fault ne.

Ok so there we were all clustered around the sinks and basically wailing and talking very loudly. Funny how the boys looked in to greet us. See, I never really realised what was so important about having two doors to go through to get to the bathroom. *ahh* now I can sort of see the point.

1:20: Now the most popular stop for me and holly is GJs at Galleries. We decided to go there and we were going to when Holly realised we were meant to wait fot Tessa. Me and Jim sat on some steps somewhere looking like hobos. When our merry bunch arrived at destination, It was unceremoniously closed. Buu~ so then our group basically in a semi-lost state of mind were split at 3 different corners of the intersection. Because there were 12 of us, and Tessa was going to have coffee, I thought I'd first go fetch my car.

Tessa, Holly and Mike rang me when I went to do this in that sequence, and each sounded a bit more lost that the previous caller *laughs* Oh dear. So then I'm driving along basically and I managed to do one of those tyre screeching turns a block away from them. Getting there all I see is holly, mike and howard. then I double parked and went to see what they were doing…

1:30 Holly and I drive to the Rocks.. i sent messages to Tessa and Mike and Mike *replied* though he may not remember it.. And me and holly basically teary eyed over-ordered on pancakes..

3am-ish: We're cheerful again and Holly clicking her fingers and over-energetic waving to the waitress may have unnerved the waitress a bit. *laughs* Yes, we felt wrongfully ignored. Then later towards 4am the waitresses come over automatically to check on us.. heehee.

*peace* *cheesy grin*


At 17:39, Blogger Mike said...

OMG! and I thought "I" was gonna be the first to blog about the stuff! *sniff sniff* Nobody knows you had a mood swing, I have lost all memories between 12am and 1am. Fill me in please.

At 11:21, Blogger juice said...

.. you are the first and probably only person to blog about verandah so comprehensively.

I think the night became less charming somewhere between Will throwing peanuts at us, Pat *singing*, you continually getting up and down walking in front of me and holly (5 or 6 times an hour. *shakes head*) and then i had a panicky feeling my transport was incarcerated somewhere..

AND it was cold...

At 15:25, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha...u know something...totally unrelated but it suddenly occurred to me that some guy at big echo was really cute...i think he works there?? hrmmm....should we go back there sometime soon so i can take a second look?!?! hahahahaa!!!!

At 15:50, Blogger juice said...


stops like verandah, viva and big echo are going to be frequented as much as GJs at Galleries?

we are becoming too easy to track..


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