Sunday, September 04, 2005


yo. i'm dabbing cleansing water on my face in this five minutes before *walking around lib*. Cleansing water is good - but it seems guerlain eye kohl is better. in fact it's the one you mix with water to get water eye colour... =_= So the damage is irreparable. *cries* panda eyes! *laughs*

Oh well. I will now begin my walking regime to burn all the carbohydrates accumulated yesterday. my sister's party was rockin'. And my nerves were very very sensitive. BECAUSE, yes~ BYO doesn't work. I know it - which is why my parties are never BYO. And those kids were popping lids off my becks.. EYAH~~~~ I do have a thing for *my* case of becks..

*cries* A sign clearly labelling it as my property didn't do i single thing though it was written clearly on A4 fluro paper. And as everyone there (Gabe, Pete, Peter, Holly, Warner and Jim) witnessed this) - I am very *very* overprotective of my consumable property. But what really irked me is that my sister specified that the party was BYO + my stuff was labelled and people weren't respectful enough to even enquire or question when they take my clearly labelled lid off my box *cries*~~

I fear I noticed some people who very clearly seemed to be freeloaders ('friends of friends of friends' who know... my sister... by name~) *shakes head* I'm disappointed by the other two co-party people as well. But Jade spent all early morning cleaning up because I think she noticed I was not very impressed.

SO THAT is what angered me the most. And what is more, the boys and girls were drinking my becks because they thought the vodka pre-mixed stuff was better... *shakes head* AND they left unfinished / near full bottles abandoned... *cries**cries**cries*

Thankfully I didn't end up buying that case of corona.... dear labyrinth of chaos.. (So there you go, i only buy to share with friends, if you are on such a ladder you are welcome.. if you are not and don't even try to introduce yourself, I like to believe that it is understandable why I get slightly... red.. and livid looking.. with dangerous waving arms.. and ... loud loud.. voice...) *shakes head*

Oh to clarify. Close to two cases of beer plus my collection of misc bottles were for my friends only. *nods* (oh and my sister). *nods*. So all 6 of them. Surprisingly, only Jim, Holly and I could claim to be defending my consumables by consuming them. Gabe joined us later and then claimed to feel so feverish he grabbed bags of frozen corn to cool off and wore it on his head like a turban. *laughs*

I'll add the funny stuff later. .. the scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and other interesting things. *winks*


At 15:51, Blogger juice said...

I'm a health issue? *blinks*
well.. if that site worked for you.. i'm glad to hear it. *nods*


Thank youu~ Canada Immigration will probably be interesting. Might inspire me and my international trade law essay.

At 17:41, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your blog is great! And I'm saying this without politely hinting that you should visit my blog on the historical significance of nylon or the origin of clouds.

(Lol! Joyce is a health issue.)

Wish I was at your place on Saturday rather than writing up my stupid 4500 word Research Proposal. Berh!

Tell Jade Happy Birthday from me.


At 17:52, Blogger juice said...

where do all these ads come from..?

a new bug?

At 23:45, Blogger Mike said...

Hahahahaha! These ads are funny! LOL

At 00:36, Blogger juice said...

... yes.. but is it a bug?


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