Saturday, September 03, 2005

eye spy

eye spy. a trivial game. the last time i played that bronwyn, gabe, vincent and i were at roseville on a sandbank amusing ourselves with tree boughs. *laughs* those were the days were they not?

Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with W - wretched
That is how my week has been. It might be over a week, haven't kept count. Having kept much in my head. *cries* And I am sooo bogged down with things that I would update calendar for upcoming weeks every day. But i'm lazy. And if you ever wanted to know, my calendar is very important to me. Being accountable for my time, having things to look forward to or whatever.. it's not routine.

But yo~ I know I was going to keep the happy and the unhappy things separate, so focusing~ focusing~..

This week Gabe went and bought me the evidence book. hai. it is almost halfway through the semester but i have great expectations in this book! It *MUST* help me. On someday, met S-sama and holly for coffee. that was that. One that someday after that, in the morning i could not get up for class. so i missed it with overwhelming guilt. With grrrrreat effort and willpower i managed to get to scheduled 11 thingo within 15 minutes of lateness. that someday after, I had a free day but for one lecture. I managed to get to the lib at 10 to group meeting, thereafter i purchased veggies for sister, lugged these in my clattering non-grip-anything shoes to nth sydney. stumbled back to QVB precinct to have lunch with holly,mike and warner. They had obtained a table that was seemingly way out of reach from the rest of the place. It was nice. Made me think that they must've got there really...early.. and I'm not a fussy eater but quite easily impressed in fact, and that place didn't quite have me wringing my hands in delight. But perhaps, it was just me.

today i tried to actually do an assignment. after today i have a few hours on sunday free and nothing more for it. Peter said he will help me. yay. help consists of dismissing my whinging.

Today at holly's it was good gathering. I feel really bad about the inconvenience i cause others regarding travel arrangements. While i don't like asking - if i really insist on going then i think it justifies my 'I'll only ask you if it's really important' rule. I think the rule is stretched, but it's still good. Now you know if I say "are you hungry" or "are you busy" yes yes it *does* indicate i am making a request but sometimes what is important is something small, like making sure you know it's important that you are somewhere or whatever small reasons.

anyway that was my happy week ne.
I have a crazy crazy week coming up again.
Hopefully I'll see pockets of everyone. Like the port stephens bunch - we'll have so much fun, talking about the bogan again and pictionary. *small wave*


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